Who, What, Where, When, Why? – Study Abroad at Ewha

I am sure you are wondering: Why Seoul? Why South Korea? Well, here is the process I took before deciding to go to Ewha University in Seoul, South Korea, and the questions and decisions that have led me to make this important decision to travel halfway across the world. Asking yourself these questions can help you narrow down what country, or school, you want to travel to.

Who: Who inspired me to make the jump to travel? 

I actually was inspired by my friends at the Honors College in my university, as well as the Learning Abroad Rutgers-Camden staff. As a Rutgers-Camden student, many students are commuters and juggling full-time jobs or families. While the number of young students who choose to live in the dorms is growing rapidly, many young adults may as though they have the stability or even funds to do so. After speaking with the trusted staff and faculty at both the Honors College and Learning Abroad Center at Rutgers-Camden, I was given resources to scholarship funding opportunities and the opportunity I once thought was too expensive, to begin with, ended up being more affordable than I could imagine. From financial aid to scholarships, I was taught the ropes of how to affordably manage a study abroad experience. Therefore, I decided with the support of my school, my friends, and my ever-so “I’m happy you’re going!” but probably will cry once I step foot into the airport parents – I would venture on to the great unknown for an experience that I will carry with me for a lifetime.

What: What Do I Want to Get Out of Study Abroad at Ewha? 

As an Ewha University student, I hope to experience personal growth. I never wanted to go to an all girl’s school before, but something about Ewha made me drawn to it. The thought of women empowering women specifically drew me to the institution, and reviews that the females of the school happened to lift each other up only further excited me. Also, I want to evolve my Korean skills to one day become fluent and able to talk the language with fellow Korean-speakers. My main goal for this semester abroad is to become as fluent as I can within the four months I am abroad. At first, I wanted to travel to other countries like Tokyo and the Philippines – but I optimized my budget for this trip to be more language focused. I value my language journey more than traveling around Asia during this Fall. However, I do plan to visit places in South Korea, like the famous Jeju Island or Busan.

Where: Where Will I Be? 

As if it was not obvious enough – I will be studying at Ewha Women’s University located in Seoul. It is closer to more touristy locations. I will actually be living on campus in the dorms at Ewha in their I-House for international students. Thus, we are provided with facilities like a gym and weight room, laundry room, kitchenette, a full communal kitchen, and more.

When: When Will I Go? 

I’m already packing my bags! I am set to fly out of the United States on August 27th. My flight leaves the airport around 2:00 a.m. and I will be taking the JFK (John F. Kennedy) airport from New York City. I will take a roughly five-hour layover in Shanghai and then fly straight to Incheon Airport. Unfortunately, my flight back has a 10-hour layover in Shanghai! I am definitely not ready… I guess that’s what I get for grabbing a good deal. My flight ended costing me only $630 round trip, a deal I was not intending on passing. Don’t worry though, I have my traveling pillow all set and ready for my voyage. I am due back in the States on December 20th, 2019, right before Christmas. Get ready for the souvenirs galore!

Why: Why Ewha? 

My school had two eligible bachelors for this bachelorette to academically wed – Seoul National University (SNU) and Ewha Women’s University. First, I wanted to go to SNU. The real reason? The prestige. I wanted to be apart of a Korean “Ivy League.” SNU holds around the same stature that we Americans pride Princeton and Harvard as. But, I realized I was only looking at the school’s reputation. What about the pricing? The location? The people? The classes? Here’s a quick breakdown of the answers to the questions:

Pricing: Tuition didn’t matter to me as my school financially covers it. Therefore, I focused on housing. SNU had housing for $600 while Ewha pays up to $1,900. Money wise, SNU had my heart. 

Location: While both universities are in Seoul, SNU was in the southern area of South Korea. Ewha was further up, before Han River, giving it the location of many cafe shops and tourist built areas that I can explore in my free time just by walking outside. Ewha for the win. 

People: I heard stories from students from both schools. The winning verdict? Both are great schools filled with amazing, intelligent students. The only obvious difference is SNU is Co-Ed while Ewha is built as an all girl’s school. However, men are allowed to study on campus through international programs. So, neutral? 

Classes: I could find all the classes I intended to take in both universities – but here was my breaking point: Language Courses. At SNU, the Korean learning course is not included in their curriculum. Instead, you need to pay a separate fee to be a part of it, as we are aware by Jada’s post of how to find Affordable Korean Classes in Seoul. However, at Ewha, the course is included in the tuition. Win, win, WIN! 

So of course after these, and perhaps a few other pros and cons, I decided Ewha would be the best fit for me.

Were You Expecting a “How”? 

These questions listed in detail above led me to choose my study abroad program. I am more than excited to study at Ewha University this upcoming Fall Semester, and will work to make the most of my experience. Nevertheless, let us note that who-what-where-when-why’s cousin did not seem to make it to the party: “How”.

Read all about How I financed my study abroad trip to Ewha, and what resources are available to Rutgers-Camden students specifically, here.


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